Become a patron and earn some neat bonuses for helping support the podcast each month. Our patreon is starting out very simple. You get early access to our live feed of our Cosplay inspired Dungeons and Dragons game, ran by the ever talented David, and has guests Crepuscular Cosplay joining Pannon and VFire. Be part of the fun as their characters navigate an extra magical world of cosplay and conventions.

  • Ko-Fi

    Want to send in a one-time donation? Buy us a coffee! Doing so helps us hit goals for silly and over-the-top type episodes. Ko-fi is also starting out very simple and will have new goals as time moves on. In return, you will get a shout-out on an episode for your donation!

Cosplay Chronicles

  • Reine

    A secretive tiefling played by Pannon.

  • Tolin

    The himbo paladin played by VFire.

  • Veia

    A shy but feisty druid played by Crimson Nova Cosplay.

  • Draxl

    A cleric with a “taste” for adventure played by Skysteel Cosplay.

  • The Dungeon Master

    Our venerable, generous, god and dungeon master, Crestsphinx.

Spread the word!

You can always support the podcast by telling a friend, sharing the website, or talking to your local convention. Word-of-mouth is currently our only way of advertising and we feel the best way to grow our community. You are also welcome to leave a review and we will read it on the podcast. If we miss your review, feel free to link it to us so we can share your thoughts. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Check out these reviews left by our amazing listeners.